The ATO has announced a new data-matching program involvingnride-sourcing providers. Under the program, the ATO will acquire data tonidentify individuals who may be engaged in providing ride-sourcing servicesnduring the 2016–2017 and 2017–2018 financial years. Details of all paymentsnmade to ride-sourcing providers from accounts held by a ride-sourcingnfacilitator will be requested from the facilitator’s financial institution fornthe 2016–2017 and 2017–2018 financial years. The ATO estimates that up ton74,000 individuals (ride-sourcing drivers) offer, or have offered, the services.
TIP:nIf you work as a driver for Uber or a similar ride-sourcingnfacilitator, the money you make is assessable income that needs to be includednin your tax return. Contact us for more information about how the ATO’sndata-matching program may apply to your circumstances.